The Journey of the Web Shepherd

In my quest to become a full-stack developer, I strive to expand my skills and knowledge. I am particularly skilled in database management, from the robust capabilities of SQL Server to the agility of SQLite. Each day, I challenge myself to surpass my previous accomplishments, constantly evolving and growing professionally. I am grateful for the support of the Nette community, which provides me with diverse learning opportunities that help me to refine my skills in both front-end and back-end technologies.

This project exemplifies non-commercial support, reflecting my personal connections and interests.

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update: 21.02.2024

…japonské bojové umění v hlavním městě piwa
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České Federace Kendо̄

update: 14.04.2024

…japonské bojové umění v srdci Evropy
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farnost u katedrály

update: 14.04.2024

...v srdci města, spojeni vírou...
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Zatrub! Band

update: 23.02.2024 multižánrová patnáctičlenná show kapela složená zejména z žáků ZUŠ Třemošná.
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shuttle sight

update: 20.01.2024

...sailing cargo seas, illuminating issues, and orchestrating shuttles for the world's most innovative companies.